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Facilities and infrastructure

Building 2, Sardegna Ricerche, Technology Park of Sardinia 
Tenancy space for enterprises
Building 1 - ICTs
This building is dedicated to IT and electronic R&D. It hosts sector enterprises, the ICT platform and CRS4, the Park’s reference centre for R&D based on IT, networks and high-performance computing. Most of the computing resources in the Park are located in CRS4’s computer room. This has computing equipment with overall performance capability of 137 TFlops, distributed among computing clusters and supercomputers, and total data storage capacity in excess of 5 PetaBytes.
The building has three floors:
1. Two above ground, with a surface area of 2,750 sqm each.
2. A basement for parking, utility & equipment rooms and storerooms.
All spaces for use as offices and laboratories contain standard technical equipment, comprising: HVAC system, lighting system, electrical outlets and structured phone-data cabling.

Building 2 – Services Centre
Building 2 houses the services centre and includes the offices of Sardegna Ricerche (logistic and general support services, technology development and information/reception), the ICT Farm, the Prototyping and medical devices platform ad the DTV Platform, the Library, the Documentation centre and meeting & training facilities as well as catering services (bar, cafeteria and restaurant) and leisure time facilities.
The building has three floors:
1. Two above ground, with a surface area of 2,500 sqm each.
2. A basement for parking, utility & equipment rooms and storerooms.
All spaces for use as offices and laboratories contain standard technical equipment, comprising: HVAC system, lighting system, electrical outlets and structured phone-data cabling.
The building has a spacious hall, an auditorium seating 150 persons, and fully equipped meeting rooms and classrooms.

Building 3 – Biomedicine, health technologies and bioinformatics.
This building hosts organisations operating in the above mentioned sectors, the Bioinformatics platform and the Genotyping and massive sequencing platform.
The building has three floors:
1. Two above ground, with a surface area of 2,000 sqm each.
2. A basement for parking.
The operational spaces, which can host either laboratories or offices, have been equipped with water supply piping and sewer system for wet laboratories and, again for laboratory operations, with nitrogen, compressed air, vacuum and demineralised water piping systems.

Building 5 – Biomedicine and health technologies.
It hosts organisations working in the above mentioned sectors and is the seat of the Pharmacology platform and the High throughput screening platform.
The building has three floors:
1. Two above ground.
2. A basement with the laboratory animal holding facility (about 900 sqm), car park and storerooms.
The operational spaces, which can host laboratories, have been equipped with water supply piping and sewer system for wet laboratories and with nitrogen, compressed air, vacuum and demineralised water piping systems.
The building also hosts the Bioincubator, where in addition to standard building infrastructure, tenant companies can also access high-processivity equipment for genomic and proteomic research services, the nitrogen, helium and carbon dioxide piping systems and a UPS generator for equipment requiring no-break power.

Building 8ICTs for medicine and Bioinformatics.
This building was completed in December 2010 and will soon host new tenants and house research laboratories.
Designed like the previous ones by prestigious Studio Gregotti Associati International, it is located on the western end of the Rio Palaceris valley and has three floors:
1. Two above ground, with a surface area of 1,200 sqm each.
2. A basement for parking.

Building 10 - The Park entrance.
This building hosts an orientation point, the Park’s general control room and a small guest accommodation facility.

The main campus of the Technology Park is equipped with:
1. Electrical network
2. Fire-fighting network
3. Water supply and sewer network. This includes a boosting station, storage tank, an underground biological purification plant and distribution network.
4. Phone and data cabling. All buildings are connected by a 1 Gbps fiber optic backbone for data transmission and copper cabling for phone lines. Internet Wi-Fi areas are available in buildings 1, 2 and 10. As concerns Internet connection, the Park currently has a dedicated line, shared by all users, with 100 Mbps fibre optic broadband access.

Security at the Park is assured by a system comprising:
1. Centralised security control room at the entrance building.
2. CCTV system and access control in each building.

The main route inside the campus consists of a ring road linking all buildings, flanked by a low wall housing utility lines. All buildings are also linked by a footpath which runs along the perimeter of the campus at a height of 100 m a.s.l.