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Education & training

Advanced training classroom
Sardegna Ricerche and its partners collaborate with universities in organising training placements, and postgraduate specialisation and master courses. They also provide research grants to encourage the return of researchers to Sardinia, and collaborate with the Region of Sardinia in implementing programmes enabling young Sardinian graduates to gain advanced training and placements with organisations outside the Region and then to return to Sardinia, to work with the local enterprises, research centres, universities and public agencies. Specialised training seminars and technical-scientific updates for enterprises are also organised.
Advanced training Advanced training
Sardegna Ricerche and Porto Conte Ricerche, in collaborations with the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, organise and manage postgraduate master courses in Renewable energy, Nano-biotechnology, Medical biotechnology and Bioinformatics. Sardegna Ricerche and its partners also collaborate with the Regional Government in organising training programmes and return schemes addressed to young Sardinian graduates.
Training for enterprises Training for enterprises
Sardegna Ricerche and its partners organise training courses for entrepreneurs, managers and would-be entrepreneurs, aimed at introducing product, process and management innovations in the companies.
Researcher Researcher, engineer and technician mobility
Sardegna Ricerche and its partners award grants to encourage the return of researchers to Sardinia, and incentives for on-the-job training of researchers and technicians by enterprises. They also participate in transnational programmes for the exchange of personnel within European countries, and collaborate with the Regional Government in organising training placements and schemes to encourage the return of university graduates.